Find out how E'NR can help you and your event reach a higher level of customer satisfaction.

Event'nroll is proud to power major virtual events in Quebec
Event'nroll, a division of Spordle, is proud to power two major cultural events currently taking place in the Metropolis, the Montreal International Documentary Festival (RIDM) and the Salon du livre de Montréal. The Event'nroll team...
November 12, 2020

A new web streaming platform tailored to your sports organization from Event’nroll, a Spordle division
In the current context where holding events (trade shows, training sessions, content on demand) and large public gatherings remains both uncertain and risky, the team at Spordle, specifically its Event'nroll division, has adapted its offer to help...
August 13, 2020

An integrated streaming platform and online payment available for your event with E'NR
In the current context during which events (festivals, meetings, training sessions, video on demand) and large public gatherings remain both uncertain and risky, the team behind the Event'nroll platform has switched gears to help you promote your...
June 25, 2020